Compile the Souin extension for tyk

You can compile your own Souin integration using the Makefile and the docker-compose inside the tyk integration directory to generate the file.


To use Souin as Træfik plugin, you have to define the use of Souin as post and response custom middleware. Place your previously generated file inside your middleware directory.

  "use_keyless": true,
  "version_data": {
    "not_versioned": true,
    "versions": {
      "Default": {
        "name": "Default",
        "use_extended_paths": true
  "custom_middleware": {
    "pre": [],
    "post": [
        "name": "SouinRequestHandler",
        "path": "/opt/tyk-gateway/middleware/"
    "post_key_auth": [],
    "auth_check": {
      "name": "",
      "path": "",
      "require_session": false
    "response": [
        "name": "SouinResponseHandler",
        "path": "/opt/tyk-gateway/middleware/"
    "driver": "goplugin",
    "id_extractor": {
      "extract_from": "",
      "extract_with": "",
      "extractor_config": {}
  "config_data": {
    "httpcache": {
      "default_cache": {
        "default_cache_control": "public, max-age:=3600",
        "ttl": "5s",
        "stale": "1d"

With that your application will be able to cache the responses if possible and returns at least the Cache-Status HTTP header with the different directives mentionned in the RFC specification.

Look at the configuration section to discover all configurable keys here.

Other resources

You can find an example for a docker-compose stack inside the tyk folder on the Github repository.