

Build your caddy binary

We assume that you already installed the xcaddy binary on your device. If not, you can refer to the documentation here

  xcaddy build --with github.com/darkweak/souin/plugins/caddy

You should get a new caddy executable file in your current directory.

Run your HTTP cache

We need to tell caddy that it must use the HTTP cache with the cache global and handler directives. You can set your configuration globally and override it in each handlers.

    cache {
        ttl 1h

route {
    cache {
        ttl 30s
    respond "Hello HTTP cache"


Every configuration directives can be used either in the global or in the handler blocks.

Basic configuration

Usually we set the ttl, the stale and the default_cache_control directives in the global configuration.

    cache {
        ttl 100s
        stale 3h
        default_cache_control public, s-maxage=100

But we can go further by enabling the Souin API and enable the debug, prometheus, souin endpoints

    cache {
        api {

route {

With this given configuration if you go on https://localhost/souin-api/souin we get the stored keys list.
If we go on https://localhost/souin-api/metrics we access to the prometheus web page.
If we go on https://localhost/souin-api/debug/ we access to the pprof web page.

Complex configuration


First you have to build Caddy with Souin and a storage using the following template.

  xcaddy build \
    --with github.com/darkweak/souin/plugins/caddy \
    --with github.com/darkweak/storages/{your_storage_name}/caddy

You can also use as many storages you want.

  xcaddy build \
    --with github.com/darkweak/souin/plugins/caddy \
    --with github.com/darkweak/storages/redis/caddy \
    --with github.com/darkweak/storages/nuts/caddy \
    --with github.com/darkweak/storages/otter/caddy

We can define multiple storages to use to store the response from the upstream server and specify the order. Here, we define 3 storages badger, nuts and redis and nuts will be accessed first, badger the second and redis the third only if the previous doesn’t return suitable data.

    cache {
        badger {
            path /tmp/badger/default
        nuts {
            path /tmp/nuts/default
        redis {

        storers nuts badger redis

Indeed you can configure each storage with the path or url directive (depending the provider) but also with the configuration directive. That’s a simple key - value that are defined by the library used to implement each provider.

  route /nuts-path {
    cache {
        nuts {
            path /tmp/nuts/file

route /nuts-configuration {
    cache {
        nuts {
            configuration {
                Dir /tmp/nuts-configuration
                EntryIdxMode 1
                RWMode 0
                SegmentSize 1024
                NodeNum 42
                SyncEnable true
                StartFileLoadingMode 1
    respond "Hello nuts"