Keys details


The api prefix configures the APIs exposed by Souin. (e.g. api.basepath)

  • basepath: Basepath for all APIs to avoid conflicts (e.g. /your-non-conflicting-route)
    default: /souin-api

Pprof API

The debug prefix configures the internal pprof API. (e.g. api.debug.enable)

  • basepath: Basepath for the pprof API to avoid conflicts (e.g. /another-pprof-api-path)
    default: /debug, full url would be /souin-api/debug

  • enable: Enable the internal pprof API.
    default: false

Prometheus API

The prometheus prefix configures the internal prometheus API. (e.g. api.prometheus.enable)

  • basepath: Basepath for the prometheus API to avoid conflicts (e.g. /another-prometheus-api-path)
    default: /metrics, full url would be /souin-api/metrics

  • enable: Enable the internal prometheus API.
    default: false

Souin API

The souin prefix configures the internal souin API. (e.g. api.souin.enable)

  • basepath: Basepath for the souin API to avoid conflicts (e.g. /another-souin-api-path)
    default: /souin, full url would be /souin-api/souin

Cache keys

The cache_keys prefix configures the key generation rules for each URI matching the key. (e.g. cache_keys..*\.css.disable_body)

  • disable_body: Prevent the body hash to be part of the generated key.
    default: false

  • disable_host: Prevent the hostname to be part of the generated key.
    default: false

  • disable_method: Prevent the HTTP method to be part of the generated key.
    default: false

  • disable_query: Prevent the URL query to be part of the generated key.
    default: false

  • disable_scheme: Prevent the scheme to be part of the generated key.
    default: false

  • hash: Hash the key in the storage.
    default: false

  • headers: Add specific headers to the generated key.

  • hide: Prevent the key from being exposed in the Cache-Status HTTP response header.
    default: false

  • template: Customize the key with the given template. It uses the caddy placeholders to create the key (when this option is enabled, disable_* directives are skipped).


The cdn prefix configure the upfront CDN yuo have placed before Souin. It can handle ofr you the cache invalidation on your CDN, the optimization to have your pages cached directly on it.

  • provider: The provider name placed before Souin.
    values: akamai, cloudflare, fastly, souin

  • dynamic: Enable the dynamic keys returned by your backend application and store them in the surrogate storage even if they are not declared in your surrogate-keys configuration.
    default: false

  • api_key: The api key used to access to the provider if required, depending the provider.
    [required by Cloudflare, Fastly]

  • email: The email used to access to the provider if required, depending the provider.
    [required by Cloudflare]

  • hostname: The hostname if required, depending the provider.
    [required by Akamai]

  • network: The network if required, depending the provider.
    [required by Akamai]

  • strategy: The strategy to use to purge the cdn cache, soft will keep the content as a stale resource.
    [required by Akamai, Fastly]

  • service_id: The service id if required, depending the provider.
    [required by Fastly]

  • zone_id: The zone id if required, depending the provider.
    [required by Cloudflare]

Default cache

The default_cache prefix configure the default cache behavior. (e.g. default_cache.allowed_http_verbs).

Allowed HTTP verbs

The allowed_http_verbs prefix configure the HTTP verbs allowed to get cached. (e.g. default_cache.allowed_http_verbs).
default: [GET, HEAD]


The badger prefix configure the badger storage. (e.g. default_cache.badger).

Default Cache-Control

The default_cache_control prefix configure the Cache-Control to set if the upstream server doesn’t return any. (e.g. default_cache.default_cache_control).
example: public, max-age=3600


The distributed prefix configure if the storage must use a distributed storage. (e.g. default_cache.distributed).
default: true


The etcd prefix configure the etcd storage. (e.g. default_cache.etcd).


The key prefix override the key generation with the ability to disable unecessary parts. (e.g. default_cache.key.disable_body).

  • disable_body: Prevent the body hash to be part of the generated key.
    default: false

  • disable_host: Prevent the hostname to be part of the generated key.
    default: false

  • disable_method: Prevent the HTTP method to be part of the generated key.
    default: false

  • disable_query: Prevent the URL query to be part of the generated key.
    default: false

  • disable_scheme: Prevent the scheme to be part of the generated key.
    default: false

  • hash: Hash the key in the storage.
    default: false

  • headers: Add specific headers to the generated key.

  • hide: Prevent the key from being exposed in the Cache-Status HTTP response header.
    default: false

  • template: Customize the key with the given template. It uses the caddy placeholders to create the key (when this option is enabled, disable_* directives are skipped).

Max cacheable body bytes

Limit to define if the body size is allowed to be cached. (e.g. 1048576 (1MB)).
If a limit is set, your streamed/chunk responses won’t be cached.
default: unlimited


The mode prefix allow you to bypass some RFC requirements. (e.g. default_cache.mode).
default: strict

The value can be one of these:

  • mode: Prevent the body hash to be part of the generated key.
  • bypass: Fully bypass the RFC requirements.
  • bypass_request: Bypass the request RFC requirements.
  • bypass_response: Bypass the response RFC requirements.
  • strict: Respect the RFC requirements.


The nuts prefix configure the nuts storage. (e.g. default_cache.nuts).


The olric prefix configure the olric storage. (e.g. default_cache.olric).


The otter prefix configure the otter storage. (e.g. default_cache.otter).


The regex prefix configure the actions to do on URL that match the regex. (e.g. default_cache.regex).

  • exclude: The regex used to prevent paths being cached.
    example: ^[A-z]+.*$


The stale prefix configure the duration to keep the stale responses in the storage. (e.g. default_cache.stale).
example: 1d


The storers prefix configure the order to use the storages, with that you’ll be able to chain them, use a local in-memory and fallback to a redis or distributed one that is slower. (e.g. default_cache.storers).
example: [nuts otter badger]


The timeout prefix configure the timeouts. (e.g. default_cache.timeout).

  • backend: Duration before considering the backend upstream as unreachable. example: 10s

  • cache: Duration before considering the cache storages as unreachable. example: 10ms


The ttl prefix configure the duration to keep the fresh responses in the storage. (e.g. default_cache.ttl).
example: 10m

Log level

The log_level prefix configure the log verbosity. (e.g. log_level).
default: INFO

The value can be one of these:

  • INFO
  • WARN


The reverse_proxy_url prefix configure the reverse-proxy URL to contact. Only required using the standalone server. (e.g. reverse_proxy_url).


The surrogate_keys prefix configures the surrogates keys to associate the response depending the matched header values or url. (e.g. surrogate_keys.something_key_group./something)
The surrogate-keys is a way to group the cache keys together and invalidate one group at once instead of invalidating each keys separately. It’s very efficient in combination to the cdn configuration, with that souin will be able to group and invalidate your cached resources directly on your CDN.

  • headers: Headers values to match to associate the response to this surrogate-key. It’s a simple key-value, the key is the header name and the value is the regex to match.

  • url: URL to match to associate the response to this surrogate-key.
    example: /something/.+


The urls prefix configures the ttl or the default_cache_control value for each requests that match the given regex. (e.g. url.https:\/\/

  • ttl: Override the default TTL if defined.
    example: 10s

  • default_cache_control: Override the default default Cache-Control if defined.
    example: public, max-age=86400


The ykeys prefix configures the ykeys to associate the response depending the matched header values or url. (e.g. ykeys.something_key_group./something)

  • headers: Headers values to match to associate the response to this ykey. It’s a simple key-value, the key is the header name and the value is the regex to match.

  • url: URL to match to associate the response to this ykey.
    example: /something/.+